Drip by Social Club
I am working in Wanchai. I pack lunch for most of the working days and have lunch with colleagues on Friday. As my contract will end soon and there are countless restaurants serving sumptuous food in the area, I want to try some outstanding ones before the end of the tenure.
我在灣仔上班,平日都會pack lunch,但逄星期五都和同事一起捐窿捐罅尋找美味。由於我的合約即將屆滿而灣仔又食市林立,我又焉可錯過近水樓枱的機會不嚐盡美味?希望能在約滿前能吃得多少得多少。
Today, we visited Drip by Social Club. It is an upstairs café + co-working space. The area is spacious. As we stepped in, we were impressed by the space and modern simplicity. At the far end are white boards, flip charts which facilitate presentations, meetings and training. At two of the four corners are big sofas which friends can chill and chat. Like a paradise!
今天我們一行四人來到Drip by Social
Club,這是一家位於樓上的Café 和共享工作空間,一入門已被它的簡約設計和寬廣的空間吸引,在空間的最盡處擺了白板和活動掛圖,方便上班一族作簡報會、開會和訓練之用。在其中兩個角落擺放了大梳化,三五知己共聚吹水,不亦樂乎。
Lunch includes a glass of herbal tea. They are tasty and healthy. The presentation is also special. A bamboo tea infuser catches eyes and admiration. And the tea was good. I took Midsummer Dream made of French rose, hibiscus, mulberry green tea and stevia. It is packed with vitamin C and minerals. And it’s diuretic. If you prefer other kinds of drinks, just add a handful of dollars for your choice.
午餐包括一杯健康又可口的花茶,賣相很特別,竹子茶隔很吸睛,同事們都很欣賞,忙著拍照。我點的Midsummer Dream花茶包含了法國玫瑰、洛神花、白桑綠茶及甜葉菊,有豐富的維他命C及礦物質,味道少酸帶甜很醒胃。你也可略加一些費用以選擇其他飲料。
Now, the food. They were all good! Duck confit - crispy skin and tender meat with blueberry dressing. Loads of fresh salad with a summery dressing. It stimulated appetite.
主角出場: 我們所選的菜式都大獲好評。我選的油封鴨腿佐以藍苺醬,皮脆肉嫩,還有很多沙律菜佐以一個很夏日feel的醬汁,令人越吃越想叮吃。
Pork Belly and Leek Salad on focaccia open toast - Mix of lean and fat pork belly. Tender and juicy. Yum! It’s presented like a mountain of pork and leek, impressive and big satisfaction.
猪腩肉大蒜沙律伴意大利包 - 這道菜上碟如一個猪腩山舖在意大利包上,賣相非常吸引,猪腩肥瘦相輝映,軟滑多汁,好好味,兩位女同事都清碟,連汁都清光。
Tom Yum tiger prawn pasta - The prawns were huge. The pairing of tom yum and pasta is innovative and wonderful.
冬蔭虎蝦意粉 - 蝦是巨型的,賣相很吸引,冬蔭和意粉很匹配又新穎。
I hope I can return to Drip by Social Club and try other dishes before the end of the contract!!! If it appeals to you, please visit early as it is closed at 5pm.
希望在我約滿之前可以再嚐Drip by Social Club 的美食!!! 如果你也想親嚐美味,請早些到訪,五時便關門啊!
4/F, Beverly House, 93 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
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