Man Yuen Noodle 民園麵家

I've got a complimentary facial in Central today. The initial plan was probable back to a Japanese restaurant to take their value-added sashimi rice.  But when I was around Elgin Street, I recalled that Man Yuen Noodle 民園麵家 would be opened till the end of March since the owner was getting old, happy retirement.  It ate there a few times in the past.  Every time was good.   Without hesitation, I went inside.  Who knows if and when I would eat the famous beef brisket again.

Without second thought I went for the beef brisket noodle.  The beef brisket was thin.  But it was very soft and delicious.  The tendon was dissolved in my mouth with one to two chewing.  Superb!  The noodle was bouncing between the teeth.  This is supposed to be the best texture.  But as times go, it will become softer.  I was very satisfied.   Looking forward to try other dishes, perhaps, the spicy minced pork rice noodle.

今天在中環,本打算到森壽司吃魚生飯,但想起了在伊利近街的民園麵家,很快它會成為香港人集體回憶的一部份,於是二話不說便朝麵家走去。坐下來便點了牛腩撈麵,果然美味! 牛腩雖瘦,但很軟,美味!牛筋咀嚼兩下便已溶化了。有人問老板娘會否賣招牌和教授,她說首先要考淥麵的功夫,很重視自己的招牌呢!説真的,麵很爽,但要快吃。希望在三月底它結業前再試其他美味,其中一項是炸醬撈河。

